Wednesday, August 25, 2010

SEX: Seldomly Entering Xanadu

It isn’t that my turning 45 is a big deal, or anything. Age isn’t the concern, when mind and body are still willing. The problem is that sputtering into mid-life allows most of us to become the characterization of the person we feared people would discover, when we cared. Put succinctly, our cartoon selves.

Perhaps I'm speaking from my perspective alone, but during puberty and through the most vital period of our lives, we spend an inordinate amount of time hiding our true selves, because as we all know; being yourself won’t get you laid. When we reach, say, 45: the point when death is within our reach; that is when we give in to our innate characters and take our chances. My birthday of last weekend gave me the opportunity to embrace the grotesque sketch of my true self. And what or who is that, I hope to hear you say? “That” is the sex-starved, depressive, death-fearing Alvy Singer in Annie Hall. Just ask Hope. She’s my Diane Keaton.

Hope: “Get your hands off my ass! You’ve always got your hands on my ass!”

Alvy: “You should be flattered. It’s where I want to be.”

Hope: “What is wrong with you.

Alvy: “You’re asking a forty-five year old guy what’s wrong with him when he has his hand on your tush?”

Hope: “What’s the opposite of Viagra?”

Alvy: “I don’t know. You, right now?”

Hope: “Listen, I get the fact that you think you’re going to die and that this might be your last chance to get some, but why does the mourning of your life always involve my ass?”

Alvy: “Oh, so now you want me dead with no where to put it?”

Hope: “I bend over and whoop, there it is: "The Hand." Can’t you take your mind off of it?”

Alvy: Errr. No.

Hope: “You’re a sick puppy, you know that, don’t you?”

Alvy: “My only explanation is that I have to have sex with you all the time out of frustration that you won’t have sex with me! When I get nervous. I get aroused.”

Hope: “Lucky me.”

Alvy: "I’m going down to my cave to contemplate why swimming and libido remind me of the same thing. Happy birthday to me."

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


In August, cool is the best way to describe the man cave. Dark, cool, sunless. I’m hanging here, the way a cured ham ages in some Italian chateau.

The family and I have just returned from a week on Cape Cod, living high on the hog…guests at the country club and enjoying the recession proof luxuries provided by the Wianno Club. All I have to say is that real life sucks. It isn’t about being rich. It is about pleasure. In my personal lexicon, rich means irritable bowel syndrome and erectile dysfunction. It’s the price one pays for flogging oneself in getting onboard the gravy train. I know, I know. It sounds judgmental, but it's too hot for rational thought. And besides, why read well thought out arguments that have you saying to yourself, “U-huh, u-huh,” when outrage induced by flagrant abuses of poor word choice, inattentiveness to logic and leaping assumptions really get the juices flowing?

Words have power and none more so than this little sample of Samson’s latest incursions into meaning and context. Stay cool. Go underground. Get a man cave.

Cuckoo bananas=all things inexplicable


White Trees=cauliflower

Annoyful=me, or any one of his friends he currently finds as annoyful as me.

Hairy Penis=Hope’s hoo ha

Poofer=Samson’s preferred swear word

Bajshead=a compound word, from Swedish and English. It’s meaning? Shit-for-brains.

Mealy Bugs=his sister

Play-Doh= Either a toy, or Greek philosopher. Comes in electric pink.

Absolutely tired from dead=deader than dead

Awesome=a lazy word. Samson told this to the daughter of the headmaster of the school he is about to attend. Clever boy.

Evil Fuzzy Face. Samson’s made up character. I think it’s a synonym for annoyful. I can’t be sure.